Apprenticeships & Traineeships statistics

National Statistics

Figures for the 2022/23 academic year show:

195,600 starts (Aug-Jan) down by 4.1% from 2021/22
Participation (Aug-Jan) 636,960 up by 2.3% from 2021/22
Achievements (Aug-Jan) 62.030 up by 21.8% from 2021/22
Under 19s accounted for 28.4% of starts (55,580).
Advanced apprenticeships accounted for 43.3% of starts (84,650) whilst higher apprenticeships
accounted for a third of starts (33.2% or 64,890).
Higher apprenticeships continue to grow in 2022/23. Higher apprenticeship starts increased
by 7.1% to 64,890 compared to 60,570 in the same period last year.

Please click here for the full figures.