How do other businesses do it?
The best placements are tailored to meet an employer’s recruitment objectives and we work with each employer to create a programme model that works for them. Just some of the different delivery models adopted by our current members can be found below. Let us know if you would like to talk through these in any more detail.
BAE Systems
Duration: 2-week virtual placement (Adopted during Covid-19 pandemic)
Funding: Company funded
Partner: Prince’s Trust
Duration: Three-week placement including training and store experience with a guaranteed interview.
Funding: Training Provider Adult Education Budget
Duration: Multi-week work experience placements which are delivered by Salesforce in collaboration with charity partner (Catch22).
Funding: Employer Funded
Duration: 6-week work placement – split across 4 weeks classroom learning and 2 weeks on on-site training
Funding: Company funded
Partner: Springboard