Model:Up to 6 week placement, mix of classroom training and workplace experience
Funding: Company funded
Delivery Partner: Prince’s Trust, JCP, various local arrangements
Scale 2022: In excess of 35000 placements (work experience & apprenticeships)
Success Rate (2021): 62% into jobs or education following work experience completion
NHS: Recruit at scale and building the business case
NHS: Recruit at scale and building the business case
The NHS in England is Movement to Work’s largest contributor of placements.
The recruitment focus fits with apprenticeships and permanent entry level positions to help address workforce supply issues.
Work experience is delivered in partnership with The Prince’s Trust and the Department for Health and Social Care to support young people into sustained careers within the health and social care sector, including those from lower income backgrounds or those affected by long term unemployment. The programme includes two pre-employment programmes “Get Into” and “Get Started” and mentoring support. These are tailored to fulfil the workforce needs of each organisation and give young people (aged 16-30) a real understanding of the sector and access to a wide variety of entry-level roles and apprenticeships in the NHS and social care.
In 2020, Health Education England and Princes Trust entered into a national partnership to expand delivery of the Princes Trust programme across England with the aim of supporting 10,000 16-30 year olds into sustained careers in Health and Care. The Programme has widening access and participation at its heart, providing career opportunities to NEET & BAME young people and focusing on communities in the top deciles of indices of multiple depravation (IMD postcodes). Currently 37% of participants are BAME, 25% come from IMD.1 postcodes and 80% sustain employment for a minimum of 3 months.
The NHS has been at the forefront of MtW ROI employability programme analysis. This independent analysis was undertaken by Accenture with positive results showing a ROI of 2.5 over five years and a breakeven threshold of 19 months. For every £1 spent on the programmes, the Trusts re-coup that £1, plus an additional £2.50.
There is a strong association between individuals hired via employability programmes and higher levels of staff retention, engagement and productivity, as well as lower levels of staff sickness and avoided temporary staff usage, relative to Trust average figures for comparable roles. Specific benefits were listed in reduced turnover (9%), reduced absence (2%) and increased staff commitment. Also, 80% of hiring managers considered the initiative to have had a positive impact.
For further detail on the employability pathways – click here