‘Maths to 18’ in England

Back in January 2023, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak set out his priorities for 2023 and announced all children and young people will study maths in some form until they turn 18.

In April 2023, the Prime Minister made a speech on improving maths attainment, in which he argued poor numeracy was socially acceptable and maths needed to be made more accessible, so children did not fear it.

The Prime Minister committed to:

*A new advisory group to advise on the ‘maths to 18’ plan

*The expansion of ‘Maths Hubs’ across England

*A new professional qualification for those teaching maths in primary schools

Rishi Sunak has confirmed the reforms associated with these interventions are unlikely to be implemented fully until at least the end of the current parliament (2025).

In October 2023, the Prime Minister announced the ‘Advanced British Standard’ would replace current post-16 qualifications and include maths in some form for all students.

Read more here.