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MtW Events

“We believe in unlocking the potential of young people by offering quality work placement opportunities; this is not just the right thing to do for young people, it is the right thing to do for business.”

 – Ivan Menezes, Chief Executive of Diageo

Take A look at our research 


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“The business case for supporting Movement to Work is very simple – it provides you with access to great, diverse talent. it energises your existing employees and offers them considerable personal development as mentors.”

Olly Benzecry, Trustee of Movement to Work

Movement to Work inspires employers to help young people change their lives through positive encounters with work.

Our member employers are in a unique position to bring about powerful and lasting change that can unlock the potential of young people.

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Movement to Work supports employers to provide work placements that combine employability skills training with on-the-job experience.

Movement to Work is a charity coalition of the UK’s leading employers,
civil society and government.

We are tackling youth unemployment and creating systemic change; getting young people into jobs is investing in the future of our economy.

We draw on the collective knowledge and experience of our NGO partners and are supported by the CBI, DWP, and TUC.


We have a diverse & proactive membership base, made up of public and private sector organisations of all sizes, across many industries.

Upcoming Events

Youth Action


Friday 19th May, 9.30-11am, Virtual


Improving Positive Outcomes

for Young People

Virtual Webinar:  Wednesday 7th June, 12:30 – 1:15pm 



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