Hearing lots about youth unemployment and the Chancellor’s latest initiatives?
Would your business like to support youth employment but unsure where to start?
Movement to Work and its Approved Partner Network can help you and your organisation successfully support young people into employment.
See below for some latest updates…
Sector Based Work Academy Programme (SWAP)
As of 18th August 2020, the government published updated information on Sector Based Work Academies.
- Pre-employment training – matched to the needs of your business sector. MtW’s Approved Partner Network can support with the delivery of pre-employment training.
- Work experience placement – a great opportunity to identify talent and for the individual to cement their knowledge and understanding of the required role.
- A guaranteed job interview- or help with an employer’s recruitment process
In addition, participants must be eligible for job seekers and aged 18 upwards. Participants remain on benefits while on a SWAP placement. The government will pay any travel and childcare costs whilst benefit claimants are on the scheme. There is no direct cost to an employer for running a sector-based work academy as training and administration costs are covered by government funding.
The following Traineeship Information for Employers applies from September 2020.
When offering a traineeship work placement you need to provide:
- safe, meaningful and high-quality work experience
- a minimum of 70 hours of work experience – but no more than 240 hours for benefit claimants – over the duration of the traineeship (maximum of one year) and as agreed with the traineeship provider
- constructive feedback and advice to the trainee
- an interview for an apprenticeship or job in your business at the end of the traineeship if one is available
- an exit interview at the end of the traineeship with meaningful written feedback if no job is available
The traineeship is free to your business, but you may support trainees with expenses such as transport and meals.
Kickstart Scheme
Commencing on 1st August and available until 31st January 2021, the government has introduced a new payment of £2,000 to employers in England for each new apprentice hired aged under 25, and a £1,500 payment for each new apprentice hired aged 25 and over. These payments are in addition to the existing £1,000 payment the government already provides for new 16-18-year-old apprentices, and those aged under 25 with an Education, Health and Care Plan – where that applies.