From 1 August 2023, there will no longer be a standalone national traineeships programme. Traineeships can continue to be offered as part of our general skills offer. The last start date for traineeships under the current programme is 31 July 2023. Training providers can advise on timeframes on traineeship start dates. This is part of the Government’s commitment to providing a comprehensive and clear skills
offer for employers and individuals so will be integrating the Traineeship programme into 16-
19 study programme and adult education provision from 1 August 2023. Integrating Traineeships into general provision means the Department for Education will no longer fund the delivery of Traineeships through a standalone national programme. All the elements of the Traineeship programme – English and maths, work experience, employability and occupational skills, and qualifications – will continue to be funded for 16–19-year-olds as part of the national 16-19 study programme, and for adults through the adult education budget. This means that providers with access to funding can choose to continue to offer Traineeship programmes for young people who need support to get into work, apprenticeships, or further learning.
Read more here.