Do you know someone who wants to be a Movement to Work Youth Ambassador?
The Movement to Work Youth Ambassador Programme launched last month with a brilliant cohort of young people who have been through a Movement to Work related programme. The young people within this community are committed to inspiring more young people. Ideas and experiences were shared and now the Youth Ambassadors are leading the way through 4 key working groups: Mentoring, Going back to communities, Social Media and Government Relations. We want more people to get involved, and everyone is welcome!

We are gathering information from people who are ready and willing to join the fight against youth unemployment. These are people who have overcome barriers to work and are now passionate about helping more people do the same.
The role will involve taking part in Movement to Work events, sharing your story with fellow young people, your communities, youth outreach organisations, and UK businesses, and even through local, national and digital media.
For more info, young people can sign up HERE or please get in touch at