Category: Research

Apprenticeships and the changing demographics

The report focuses on the evolution of apprenticeships, reflecting on the changing nature of the demographics of their use over the last five years.

The number and composition of apprenticeships has changed considerably since 2017. There was a dramatic decline in numbers between 2017 and 2018, after the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy and further decline during the pandemic.

Numbers have not yet recovered to pre-pandemic levels. Level 2 apprenticeships have dropped the most, with a rise in the number and share of apprenticeships at higher and degree level.

Degree Apprenticeships have disproportionately benefited prosperous areas, with fewer degree apprentices having had eligibility for free school meals than those attending university.

In addition, those over the age of 25 accounts for the vast majority of those undertaking Higher Apprenticeships and over half of those undertaking Degree Apprenticeships.

Males are more dominant among younger groups (around 60%), with this being reversed for those over the age of 25.

While the prosperity gap is most notable at the highest-level apprenticeships, there was a decline of up to 2% in poorer background individuals within each level. For apprenticeships beginning in 2017 achievement rates are usually between 63% and 71%, but lower for older apprentices. Rates of non-achievement and dropout are of concern.

Key Point Raised: Higher-level apprenticeships are benefitting primarily prosperous and older people, taken these higher apprenticeships are failing to reduce socio-economic inequality or improve social mobility.

Read the report here.

How your area has changed in 10 years

Census 2021

Find out how life changed for people living in different local authority areas in England and Wales. Read about changes in median age, working hours, ethnic group, religion and more, with a whole article dedicated to each individual local authority area. You can also read about housing, health, disability, and unpaid care.

Read more here.

Apprenticeship starts fall 6% in first quarter of 2022/23

Apprenticeship starts fall 6% in first quarter of 2022/23 while traineeships start’s also fell 17%. However, while starts are down overall, the take up of higher apprenticeships has continued to grow, rising by 10%. Starts at level 6 and 7 increased by 14%.

Find out more within the report as to why Traineeships are also changing and why almost half of the traineeship funding had to be handed back.


Read more here.

Report: Bridging the Gap

Institute for Employment Studies

The 91 paged report looks at employers’ perspective on and experience of good quality youth employment.

It complements previous research focused on young people’s views and experiences of good work, which looked at what good quality work and support means to young people, the enablers, and barriers they encounter, the quality of their experiences in work, and the impact of the pandemic.

The current research explores employers’ views and experiences around hiring and working
with young people, including their perspective on good quality work, recruitment, management, and workplace practices.

The research used a mixed-method approach, including a survey of 1,011 businesses and in-depth interviews with 40 employers. Core to the research was the inclusion of Voices across the UK, findings from a survey of 1,275 young people across the four UK nations exploring respondents’ views and perceptions of the quality of work and their experiences in work.

The aim is to understand how employers’ perceptions and experiences of youth employment are evolving, how they compare to young people’s own experiences, and how this can inform policy and practice around good quality youth employment. The findings from the research are drawn together to present some initial proposals on what can work to improve access to better quality employment for all young people across the UK.

Some key findings of interest

Around a fifth of employers did not hire from the 22-25 age group (21 percent), two in five did not hire anyone aged 18-21 (40 percent), and two-thirds did not hire from the 16-17 age group (68 percent) over the past year.

Employers have limited experience of hiring young people who experience disadvantages. There is a discrepancy between employers’ and young people’s perceptions of good work. Employers feel skills, experience and confidence hinder young people’s access to good work, but also recognise there is unequal access to work. Employers are aware of what makes good work and are confident that they offer it to young people, but their perception of this varies from young people’s.

Read the report here.

District Provision Tool

In every Jobcentre Plus district a ‘district provision tool’ exists. Usually only accessible to DWP colleagues.

As part of a Public Accounts Committee recommendation and departmental vision for the future this is now being launched (soft launch) on Gov.UK.

It lists organisations that are available nationally and at local level to support our customers in all areas such as homelessness, domestic abuse, ex-offenders, lone parents/childcare, suicide/self-harm etc. – you can search in any area of the country to see what is available.

Read more here.

Levelling Up: Case Studies

Levelling Up means creating opportunities for everyone across the UK by: improving jobs, improving pay and living standards, making streets safer, protecting health and wellbeing, investing in high streets and town centres, and improving local transport.

The UK government is committed to Levelling Up across the whole of the United Kingdom to make sure that no community is left behind, creating opportunities for everyone across the UK.

Have a look at some of the case studies to find out more about what happening across the
Country here.

NDA launches new group graduate programme

The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) group is calling on graduates to help deliver its mission and take part in one of the most important environmental programmes in the world.

Applications are now open for a new NDA group graduate programme, with roles in around 20 different professional disciplines and various locations in all corners of the UK.

Opportunities vary from radiation protection to accountants, engineers to cyber security specialists and commercial officers to project managers. There are various options to develop a long-lasting and meaningful career, suitable for a diverse range of people, with applicants supported at the end of the programme to secure a longer-term role.

To find out more about the scheme and the application criteria, graduates can visit the NDA group graduate programme website.

National Living Income Report

This report investigates the guarantee of a decent minimum income for all. The report cites the crises of the early 2020’s, including the pandemic and the war in Europe. It explains what it would take, including:

  • Benchmark income protection to a minimum decent standard of living.
  • Expansion of universal provision to create a genuine minimum income guarantee.
  • Strengthen financial work incentives.
  • Fully fund the system through progressive taxation.

Read the report here.

National Apprenticeship week 2023

This year’s National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) takes place 6-12th February 2023. This provides an opportunity for the education and skills sector to celebrate the achievements of apprentices around the country and the positive impact they make to communities, businesses, and the wider economy.

The theme for National Apprenticeship Week 2023 is Skills for Life – click here to see a toolkit full of resources.

To find out more general information on apprenticeships click here.