Category: News

Nominees: Movement to Work Youth Employability Awards 2022

Huge congratulations to all the incredible organisations and individuals who submitted nominations for the upcoming Movement to Work #YouthEmployabilityAwards 2022. We have been blown away by the stories and cannot wait to celebrate all your achievements on the 28th March!

Employer of the Year


BAE Systems PLC

Carers Trust

Department for Work and Pensions

Department for Transport

Greene King

Marks and Spencer PLC

Recruiting Group – Partnership between The British Army and Capita

Thames Water

The Princes Trust

Wates Group

Mentor of the Year

Nicholas Burnett, Standards Coordinator, Thames Water

Helen Goodman, Library Manager, Health Education England , Project Choice

Viviene Bish-Bedeau, Operations Director, Essex Youthbuild

Thomas Munn, DWP Movement to Work Delivery Lead, Department for Work and Pensions

Imogen Jones, Mentor, The Princes Trust

Samantha Bentley, CDIO, HMRC

Michelle Spalding, Early Careers & Talent Development Lead, Trust Payments

Victoria Rowland, Early Careers Manager, Sage

Partner of the Year

Children’s Book Project

Salesforce with Catch 22

The Princes Trust

Creative Alliance

Qube Learning

Carers Trust

People Plus


The Launch Group

Premiership Rugby

Individual Impact Award

Daisy Falconer, Young Carers Programme Manager, Carers Trust

Kate Johnson, Store Manager, Marks and Spencers PLC

Rhian Lloyd, Regional Operations and Pre-Employment Partnership Manager, MOD

Michelle Spalding, Early Careers & Talent Development Lead, Trust Payments

Thomas Munn, DWP Movement to Work Delivery Lead, Department for Work and Pensions

Ketki Sawant, Business Operations Senior Analyst, Accenture

Anastacia Jamfrey, Project Manager, BAE Systems

Megan Stuart, HR Specialist, Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency

Shelly Larsen-McHugh, Youth Programme Manager, Manpower Group

Mark Straker, Material Management Team Lead, NHS

Gee Uddin, Work Ready Design & Delivery Lead, BT

Chris Gallon, Programme Manager, Sage

Breakthrough Star Award

Naman Chandra, Data Analyst Apprentice, Thames Water

Jacob Adu, EYB Graduate, Essex Youthbuild

Megan Ferguson, Healthcare Assistant, Graduate of The Prince’s Trust Health and Social Care Programme in partnership with Health Education England and DHSC

Merry Selemun, Customer Assistant, Marks & Spencer

Josiah Davies, Customer Assistant, Marks & Spencer

Siobhan McManus, Outreach and Assessment Coordinator, Springboard

Jon Challis, Bar Tender, Diageo Learning for Life Graduate

Gavin Phipps, Work Coach, DWP

Kyle Lynch, Customer Assistant, Tesco

Ffion Owen, Customer Assistant, Tesco

Tommy Davis, Customer Assistant, Tesco

Luc Donaldson, Customer Assistant, Tesco

Rising Star Award

Natalie Taylor, Healthcare Assistant, East Lancashire Training Hospital Trust

George Haverhand, Support Worker, Graduate of The Prince’s Trust Health and Social Care Programme in partnership with Health Education England and DHSC

Jack Parker, Care Assistant, Project Choice, Health Education England

Yasemin Kose, People Experience Coordinator, Unilever

Aarushi Vishnoi, R&D Assistant Manager, Unilever

Aaron Christie, Temporaries Controller, ManpowerGroup

Yaamin Nanlawala, Engineering Aerospace Degree Apprentice, BAE Systems

Bernard McGeever, Software Developer, Resonate

Nikita Morris, Production Technician, BAE Systems

Gaby Day, Advanced Engineering Apprentice, BAE Systems

Reece Lee, Hospitality Intern, Ayrshire College

Chris McLarry, Bar Tender, Diageo Learning 4 Life Ambassador

Michelle O’Neill, Application Development Analyst, Accenture

Scott Keegan, Social Mobility Apprentice, DWP

Zara Khan, ESOL COVID Project Officer, Walsall Council

Blaise Hughes, Customer Assistant, Tesco

Hasan Alkhawam, Customer Assistant, Tesco

Harrison Marbrook, Delivery Driver, Tesco

Aoife O’Reilly, Customer Assistant, Tesco

Innovator of the Year Award

The Launch Group

Recruiting Group – Partnership between The British Army and Capita

Greene King

Department for Work and Pensions

Access Generation

BAE Systems

Premiership Rugby HITZ

Gee Uddin, Work Ready Design & Delivery Lead, BT


Please get involved on social media @MovementtoWork #YouthEmployabilityAwards and shout loud and proud about your involvement!

Check out the comms pack with social media images, email badges (for nominees and winners) and various other assets to help bring your posts to life! For further tips and guidance, please head to Page 10 in the full briefing document.

We would love your support by being active via your own personal social media channels and rallying the support of your organisations digital teams to further amplify content. Please ensure the right people have the pack to use this moment to celebrate the Movement and encourage others to join us!

⏰ Haven’t registered? Make sure you have your place confirmed by 22 March – tickets are going fast! Book here.

Brolly Marketing Presents: Digital Marketing 101

Key Details

 What: Brolly Marketing Presents: Digital Marketing 101

When: Tuesday 25th January 2022, 4-5:30pm

Where: This will be a hybrid event so there will be multiple locations:

  • Online via Zoom (with informal networking/Q&A afterwards on Remo)
  • In person at PwC Watford, Clarendon Road
  • In person at Enemy of Boredom in Letchworth Garden City

The Mission:

To try and help young people understand, via an interactive workshop, what working in the digital marketing industry involves, what different areas and roles look like, and how to get into this sector. This will help them to better understand the type of marketing career that they may like to go into – you’ve got to see it to be it.

The Attendees:

Our target audience is young people who have an interest in a career in digital marketing.

We also welcome anyone else who wants to find out about this area, whether they are:

  • Careers advisors
  • Parents
  • People looking to change careers
  • Digital marketing professionals wanting to find out how to reach young people
  • Those who work with young people.

The Speakers:

Speakers will include a range of young digital marketing professionals, including representatives from:

  • eBay
  • One YMCA
  • Enemy of Boredom
  • DWP
  • Iconic Digital Marketing Consultants
  • Creative Alliance
  • Sage

The Agenda:

The speakers will collectively cover a range of areas within digital marketing, including content creation, the gaming industry, graphic design, and advertising, among many more.

There will be plenty of opportunities for Q&A sessions, so that the attendees can ask any questions and get the most out of the event.

After the main session, there will also be the opportunity to move onto the Remo conferencing platform, where all speakers and attendees will be able to ask and answer questions, hold private discussions, and network more informally.

We will also send out information packs to attendees after the event.

How to sign up:

Please sign up through Eventbrite:

Virtual Event  –

PwC Watford  –

EOB Academy Letchworth  –

Communications and Promotion

We would be very grateful if you could amplify and publicise this event within your own networks and social media channels – this will mean that we can reach as many young people as possible.

You are welcome to create your own content for this, however we have created some graphics and template posts for ease of use and consistency.

Please post and publicise before the event, to encourage attendance, as well as afterwards.

Please use any/all of the below suggestions, adapt our suggestions, or create your own, but please remember to tag Brolly Marketing on LinkedIn, as well as our speakers.

Comms Pack

Please download social and digital media imagery for use here OR here

Suggested Posts:

[POST 1]

Looking forward to the @BrollyMarketing Presents: Digital Marketing 101 event, where we’ll be hearing from young marketing professionals about their roles and finding out how young people can get into the industry.

[POST 2]

Digital marketing is a growing industry that a lot of young people are interested in – but how can they find out what it’s really like? This is what the @BrollyMarketing Presents: Digital Marketing 101 event aims to achieve – helping young people to get their foot in the door – which is why we’re proud to be partnering this event.

Contact Information

For more information about the event, please contact Sharon Shapiro ( or Jessica Norton ( at Brolly Marketing.

Welcoming Unilever Executive Vice President & General Manager Sebastian Munden

Movement to Work is delighted to formally announce that Sebastian Munden, Executive Vice President & General Manager of Unilever UK & Ireland, has joined our Steering Group.

Our steering group is a collective of senior leaders from public, private and the third sector, brought together by a desire to create systemic change and level the playing field for young people.

Whilst Sebastian is relatively new to our Steering Group, Unilever was a founding member of Movement to Work and are committed to helping to grow the programme and to offering more work experience placements every year. Their support of Movement To Work is part of their wider and long-standing mission to help boost social mobility in the UK and to support young people from all backgrounds to gain the confidence and experience to find long-term sustained employment. Earlier this year, Unilever announced a global target to equip ten million young people with essential skills to prepare them for job opportunities by 2030.

Unilever’s Movement To Work scheme offers a tailored work placement across a range of business functions at four of their UK sites. Alongside exposure to a real office experience the candidates receive formal training on CVs, LinkedIn and networking to support their future career progression. In addition to a one-to-one line manager, each candidate is paired with a buddy to provide a friendly face and extra level of support. As part of their commitment to create a fully inclusive workplace with equal opportunities, successful candidates on the Movement to Work programme could have an opportunity to be fast-tracked on to the Unilever Apprenticeship programme.

Sebastian has led Unilever’s UK & Ireland business unit since 2017, pioneering more agile ways of working, and building digital and data-driven capability which have enabled new growth for the business. He champions cross-industry collaboration on packaging, waste and decarbonisation, and is a strong advocate for diversity, youth employment and social mobility programmes.

Sebastian is also on the Champion’s Board of the Inclusive Economy Partnership (Government, business and civil society working together to unleash potential through a more inclusive society); and is Deputy Chair of the UK Advertising Association, and Chair of its Ad Net Zero Climate Change Steering Group.

Upon joining the Movement To Work Steering Group Sebastian said the following:

“I’m delighted to be joining the Movement To Work Steering Group, to have the opportunity to give back and be of service to young people. When young people are able to create a better future for themselves through work, in a way that is inclusive and meaningful, we all benefit. I look forward to being able to champion the movement and its continued growth even more at a time when getting work experience is so challenging for so many.” – Sebastian Munden – Executive Vice President & General Manager, Unilever UK & Ireland

Click here to visit Unilever’s website

Click here to view our full Movement to Work Steering Group



Farewell blog: Outgoing Movement to Work Head of Outreach Debs Gordon

 who came to MTW from Centrica in 2018 and since then has put her heart and soul into developing our partner network, creating an impact-driven ecosystem of training providers and youth outreach entities to support MtW’s employer members with their employability programmes. Deb shares some thoughts as she moves on to pastures new…

Debs Gordon

Starting a role with a new employer presents me with excitement plus a flutter of nerves. As I progress my career, the balance of excitement and nerves change but they are with me.  Imagine these feelings for a person who has faced barriers to employment and is about to commence a journey that can change their and their family’s lives. Movement to Work (MtW) has helped to facilitate that opportunity to over 125,000 people since it started in 2013 with 60% positive outcomes (for WEX and Direct Entry). MtW is a coalition of UK employers advising other employers on best practices to successfully recruit and retain those who would fail the usual recruitment process. This additional channel to attract candidates creates a pipeline of overlooked talent on our doorstep and helps develop a diverse workforce representative of the UK population.

Whilst employed at Centrica, my journey with MtW also started at its inception in 2013. As MtW matured, the Steering Group realised employers needed more to support those facing barriers to employment. Then and now, the questions are: How much will a new channel to recruitment cost? Which funding stream and employability programme suits our needs? Which training providers should we approach? We have staff and/or skill shortages, what can we do to augment our talent pipeline? How does all this fit in with our current recruitment processes? In 2018, MtW commenced the development of the Approved Partner Network (APN) to answer the above and more. Then in 2018, I was fortunate to be selected to move from Centrica to Movement to Work and manage the development of the APN.

Reflecting on the last 3.5 years, MtW has augmented its offering to employers and now provides specialist advice on all the above questions. Particularly important to me is that MtW provides impartial advice. The MtW Steering Group has always advocated free advice to employers, and partners join the APN by merit not by one-off charge or subscription.

Reflecting on my time at MtW, I have been and still am humbled by the magnificent work completed by our employer members and partners. MtW is an important part of the process of brokering the connections and supporting the process to BAU but it is the effort and courage shown by employers and partners which speaks volumes evidenced by the growing number of case studies.

As MtW progresses towards its next aim of supporting another 100,000 opportunities for those facing barriers to work, I am sure new employers will make contact to share their best practice and accelerate their learning on how to both increase and diversify their workforce. Never in my career has it become so important to look at new channels and levels of support to help those facing barriers to employment. Part of the excitement I mentioned at the start of this blog is my continuing involvement with MtW. Returning to a talent acquisition role, MtW will be a source of up-to-date advice and a safe place to chat through ideas.

Thank you to all involved in MtW. You have enriched me as a person and a professional and l look forward to the next stage of our journey together.  #YoungPeopleWork

Movement to Work to support West Midlands Combined Authority set up ‘Youth Steering Group’ ahead of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games


Movement to Work is delighted to announce that, with advisory support from The Prince’s Trust, it will establish a Youth Steering Group (YSG) to support West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) in the delivery of the Stand Out programme. The Stand Out programme is a new initiative set up as part of the Commonwealth Jobs and Skills Academy, driving skills and employment opportunities for local people, through the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. Movement to Work will Chair the YSG and bring young people and business together, with business sponsors from the Movement to Work employer network guiding and supporting the young people that will form the steering group.

The new Youth Steering Group (YSG) will oversee the Stand Out programme engagement and delivery, to ensure access to young people from the most disadvantaged communities. It will also safeguard decisions and agreements made by the WMCA, as Stand Out programme owner, to ensure it fully reflects the needs and views of young people – especially those furthest from the workplace.

Following a successful bid earlier this year, the WMCA received over £800,000 from The National Lottery Community Fund, which distributes money raised by National Lottery players to good causes and is the largest funder of community activity in the UK. The funding will support more than 800 young people aged 18-30 across the region. Hundreds of young people from the West Midlands will get bespoke support to access volunteering and employment opportunities as part of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. National Lottery funding will give young people dedicated, personalised support to enable them to become Games time volunteers, as well as helping them to access one of the many thousands of roles created by the event. Support will continue beyond the Games to ensure that the young people can successfully build on their experience and secure long-term employment opportunities. The Games as a whole are expected to create up to 35,000 jobs and over 13,000 volunteering opportunities for local people.

The delivery of the Stand Out programme will happen through 10 community-based organisations who will work directly with young people, including two existing Movement to Work partners; Street League a charity that uses the power of sport to tackle poverty and give young people the opportunities they need to succeed in life and the workplace; and Suited for Success a charity that collects and provides free interview clothing, provided interview coaching and employment preparation skills.

Further information about the Stand Out programme, jobs and volunteering for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games is available here

Andy Street, the Mayor of the West Midlands, said:

“It’s great to see young people leading the Stand Out programme, helping other young people to take advantage of the work and volunteering opportunities from the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.

“Thanks to funding from The National Lottery Community Fund, we’re working with our partners to provide targeted support for disadvantaged young people and communities who have been hardest hit by the pandemic.

“Making sure that the jobs created by the Games go to local people is a key part of my jobs plan to help more than 100,000 residents into employment over the next two years, and is also critical to ensuring the Commonwealth Games is a Games for everyone.”

Sam Olsen, CEO Movement to Work said:

“In establishing a youth led steering group Movement to Work looks to bring young people and business together, driving skills and employment opportunities for local people, before, during and after the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. We want to help make the connection between volunteering and the world of work, enabling young people to develop the knowledge and attitudes they need to succeed, and to inspire business to create opportunities for disadvantaged young people who have engaged with volunteering during the Games. We are very excited to be involved and committed to driving a positive impact for young people in the West Midlands.”

Kathryn Fedun, HEAD OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT – Midlands, Movement to Work said:

“I couldn’t wish for a better project for Movement to Work to continue to make an impact in the region. Through working in partnership with WMCA, employers and youth outreach organisations we strive to maximise the opportunity the Games brings for young people to get into volunteering, work experience, vocational training and jobs. Now it’s time for us to make it an amazing opportunity for young people in the West Midlands.”


About The National Lottery Community Fund:

We are the largest funder of community activity in the UK – we’re proud to award money raised by National Lottery players to communities across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. National Lottery players raise £36 million each week for good causes throughout the UK. Since The National Lottery began in 1994, £43 billion has been raised for good causes which has supported over 635,000 projects, benefiting millions of people – that’s 255 projects per postcode area.
We are passionate about funding great ideas that matter to communities and make a difference to people’s lives. At the heart of everything we do is the belief that when people are in the lead, communities thrive. Thanks to the support of National Lottery players, our funding is open to everyone. We’re privileged to be able to work with the smallest of local groups right up to UK-wide charities, enabling people and communities to bring their ambitions to life.


About The Prince’s Trust:

The Prince’s Trust helps young people all over the UK to build their confidence and skills and supports them into jobs, education and training. Founded by The Prince of Wales in 1976, the charity supports 11 to 30-year-olds who are unemployed, struggling at school and at risk of exclusion.

Many of the young people helped by The Trust’s youth support workers and mentors are in or leaving care, facing issues such as homelessness, mental health problems, or have been in trouble with the law.

The courses offered by The Trust give young people the practical and financial support needed to stabilise their lives, helping develop self-esteem and skills for work. Three in four young people supported by The Prince’s Trust move into work, education or training. The Trust has helped more than a million young people in the UK since 1976.

Further information about The Prince’s Trust is available at or on 0800 842 842.

GUEST BLOG: Why Work Experience is The Most Important Thing You’ll Do This Summer

It’s summertime — so working is probably the last thing on your mind. After a long and strange year of being either stuck working or learning at home under some pretty bizarre circumstances, you’re undoubtedly due some well-earned fun and freedom!

However, there are many great reasons to turn your attention to your future career and get you out the house this summer and into the working world. After all, summer represents a rare opportunity to bulk up your work experience, and the advantages of doing so cannot be overstated!

Here are a few things to be aware of from our Guest Blogger Olivia Wood

It informs your future career decisions.

If you’re still not sure what you want to do in the future, that’s understandable! It’s an especially uncertain period for young people. The good news is that work experience placements can help you define what you’d like your career to look like – as well as what you’d like to completely avoid!

According to Glide’s advice, to find your placement you should first start by researching sectors that are related to the course you study or even your hobbies. Even if your work experience placement doesn’t directly relate to your future field, it can still give you a taste of different workplace and help refine your preferences. You’ll undoubtedly learn a lot about yourself throughout your placement.

It puts your learning into practice.

You’ve undoubtedly accumulated a lot of knowledge this year. A work experience placement will give you the chance to put that knowledge into action and learn some new things too.

Learning at work is a very different experience from learning at school, college, or uni. When you learn through doing, you’re actively involved in every stage of the process. You’re not just answering questions; you’re also asking them, investigating ideas, testing theories, and evaluating your results.

This process is called experiential learning, and it can be far more challenging and enjoyable than typical academic activities. Seeing how your education can be applied in the workplace might motivate you toward further personal development, too.

It helps you to develop soft skills.

Even if you’re very academically gifted, you may still have some work to do when it comes to your soft skills. Soft skills can be defined as non-technical skills that relate to how you work. They determine how you interact with others, how you manage the pressures of the workplace, and whether you can independently manage your workload.

Soft skills are transferable, meaning they can benefit you in every aspect of your life. They’re not just about impressing employers, although employers appreciate candidates with enhanced soft skills! They can also help you develop stronger personal relationships and to handle stress.

It enables you to build a network.

Who you know still matters in the world of work. A strong network of connections in your field can bring many benefits when it comes to your career development. For a start, it raises your visibility. This means people are more likely to think of you when exciting opportunities arise. It also provides you with the support and advice of mentors who are experienced in your industry. This can be an invaluable resource!

Why wait until after you leave education to start building these crucial connections? You can get a foot in the door at an early stage through summer work experience placements. Open a LinkedIn account and add every professional you encounter. You’ll be amazed by how quickly your network grows!

It makes you attractive to employers.

This has to be the most obvious advantage of summer work experience placements. Research has found that a staggering 91% of employers look for work experience in any potential hire, so you should consider it a must-have to succeed in a competitive job market.

Work experience doesn’t necessarily have to relate directly to your dream job to hold value. If you want to be a lab technician but you can only find work experience in a café, don’t panic! You’ll still develop skills that any decent employer will appreciate.

Think about it: while taking orders, you’ll practice paying attention to detail and recording responses. Cleaning the café each day will require strict adherence to standards. It’s easy to see how this very different knowledge and experience could still translate to the laboratory.

Surely, you’re now convinced of the merits of summer work experience. Why miss out on this amazing opportunity to enhance your skills, build your network, learn about yourself, and improve your future job applications?

Olivia Wood is a recent Business Management graduate, turned freelance writer whose primary focuses is providing advice and guidance to young, aspiring adults on the best possible work opportunities. In her spare time, she enjoys a good book, socialising with friends, and numerous amounts of iced coffees.

Inspiring case studies from MTW employer member Unilever

Investing in young people and playing our role in ensuring equal opportunities for employment is key to building a sustainable business. This was recently highlighted as part of Unilever’s new global social commitments, which include an ambition to equip 10 million young people with essential skills to prepare them for job opportunities by 2030.

In the UK, we’re committed to building our employment programmes and giving opportunities to young people, so they can find their confidence and place in employment.  In 2019 we launched our Unilever Futures strategy to champion long-term investment in future talent. Through our Unilever Futures programmes, we aim to inspire people from all backgrounds to find their purpose and rise to their full potential.

Movement to Work, a coalition of the UK’s leading employers, civil society and Government, is a key part of our Unilever Futures model, supporting 16 to 30-year olds, not in education, employment or training into sustainable employment, through a 4-week work experience programme. Unilever UK is proud to be a founding member and one of 250 employers working with Movement to Work to provide real work experience, exposure to world-class brands and insights into different careers.

​​​​Since 2016, Unilever UK has hosted over 100 Movement to Work placements for young people, of which 32 individuals have gone on to gain further employment within our organisation.

Read below the inspiring stories of some of our Unilever Movement to Work alumni…

Rowena Barton

I’m from Southampton but moved up to Epsom a few years ago to stay with my boyfriend and his family. I signed up to the Job Centre, found out about the Movement to Work scheme and went for it. I genuinely view it as such a valuable experience, especially if you’re not in employment or you’re looking to get an idea of what kind of job you’re after. When I was on the MTW scheme, I worked in Supply Chain doing small tasks and assisting on projects, including testing a website to make sure it was functioning.

Due to my success on the Movement to Work programme, and on the recommendation of my placement line manager, I was fast-tracked to a discovery centre for the Unilever apprenticeship programme and got offered a role starting September 2020. In my current apprenticeship role, I look after an internal training platform by creating monthly courses to train our wider team. I also support my team with creating artworks for both customers and consumers in varying channels and trade.

The Movement to Work programme has meant a lot to me as it’s allowed me to create new friendships around my home area, gain a better and more positive professional outlook on myself and my skill set and has given me a chance to change my career path to align with my own passions and interests.

I think that the Movement to Work programme is so important because it really helps young people get the experience that some other jobs may not and may also provide an alternative career path for someone who’s just finished university or even looking for a change of pace. The programme really gives people the opportunity they need to get to where they want to be and for some gives that needed boost to take that first step.

I would really encourage people to think about becoming a Movement to Work line manager or mentor because having that support can be invaluable to someone who’s looking for that bit of extra help to go from A to C, you might just be the point B to help them get to where they want to be. It’s a fantastic opportunity to give yourself some skills to test as well.

Lewis Brickle

Whilst out of work, I got involved with the Movement to Work programme via my local Job Centre. I took part in a month’s long work experience placement, where I worked with the Surf Marketing team based in Leatherhead.

After my placement finished, I was invited to a discovery centre for the Unilever apprenticeship programme and got offered a role starting in September 2020.  Since joining as an apprentice I’ve worked with both the Pricing Team and the TTS Team, which has allowed me to learn a lot about how pricing works and how companies deal with invoices, as well as gaining lots of new Excel skills.

The Movement to Work programme has meant a lot to me as I am now on the Unilever apprenticeship scheme, and it’s opened up lots of future opportunities.

I would encourage anyone to be a Movement to Work mentor or line manager because young people need that help getting a foot in the door, and a chance to show what they can do. This programme is the perfect way to offer that chance to them!

Aarushi Vishnoi

I graduated with a first-class degree in Pharmacology from the University of Bristol in 2018 but struggled to secure a job after graduating, receiving what seemed like endless rejections or no responses from companies. I decided to go to my local Job Centre to receive support in finding a job and found out about the Movement to Work from my work coach. I completed the Movement to Work programme with Unilever in April 2019.

After completing my placement, I secured a Commercial Executive role within Unilever, which involved promotional and financial planning for two large retailer accounts. This role gave me an excellent grounding in how businesses work and helped me to develop a variety of skills. I made a positive impact in this role, including clearing a backlog of admin, creating better ways of working and spotting and fixing an error that will save the company millions going forward. After a year and a half, I was promoted to R&D Assistant Manager where I manage innovation projects and ensure new homecare products launch successfully in the UK. I am enjoying the challenge of extra responsibility and learning new things!

I am really grateful to the MTW programme as it helped me gain back the confidence I had lost from job application rejections and enabled me to obtain the vital experience I was missing to start my career.

I would encourage you to be a Movement to Work mentor or line manager because it is more important than ever before that young people are given work experience opportunities to kick-start their careers. I also know from my own mentoring experience that it is very rewarding to help a mentee realise their potential.

Want to become an employer member of Movement to Work?

Get in touch today and find out how we can help you unlock diverse youth talent and offer you dedicated support free of charge:

GUEST BLOG: Finding A Job in a Post-Pandemic World

Job hunting is stressful at the best of times, so it’s understandable that those looking for work in the post-Covid era are finding it especially challenging. There’s no way around it: the world of work has changed drastically in the last 18 months or so, the recruitment side of things included. Businesses are no longer hiring new employees in quite the same way as they did before the pandemic, and job-hunters would be wise to adapt accordingly.

Here are a few things to be aware of from our Guest Blogger Charlotte Murphy…

Be prepared to do more than just an interview

The good news is that companies today are more aware than ever before of the effects of unconscious bias in the hiring process. According to experts at Arctic Shores, bias is an “unfair prejudice against, or in favour of, a certain person or group. Biases can be held by an individual, group, or even an entire organisation, and can be based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion, socio-economic status, political views… pretty much anything, to be honest.”

While there are now ways to make sure that hiring bias is being mitigated, the bad news is that this may mean having to jump through a few extra hoops before getting hired. It may seem annoying to know that your CV is not being read by a human being, but there’s a reason for this: by using certain software, companies can remove bias and evaluate applicants on their virtues alone.

Be prepared to be asked to attend several meetups with different people, perform skills tests or psychometric questionnaires and assessments, and more formalized interview processes. Though tedious, these do allow businesses to be more fair and inclusive in the long run.

Get comfortable with being online

Companies were forced to move a lot of their face-to-face recruitment processes online during the pandemic, but there’s no rush to let go of these now that restrictions are lifting. In fact, job seekers in 2021 can expect to conduct almost all of their job search online. Expect virtual “job fair” events, networking meetings, and video interviews with staff who may well be based in a completely different country.

When engaging potential employers online, the rules are not all that different – you will still need to pay attention to your mannerisms, clothing, and the way you present yourself. But today you will also need to take some time to familiarize yourself with multiple chat and messaging platforms, and get comfortable with promoting yourself digitally, whether that’s during a one-to-one Zoom interview or via social media. Most companies recruit directly on platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and even Instagram, so a good strategy may be to work on your presence here and stay alert to recruitment calls through these channels.

Even if you’re very familiar with social media, it can take a mindset shift to use it effectively for job hunting. Share an online CV and proactively engage others in relevant industry discussions. Join groups to stay abreast of news and developments in your chosen niche, and, if possible, seek out mentors or influential connectors who can alert you to promising openings, or give you useful advice.

Be realistic about your options

It’s fair to say that the virus has wreaked havoc on many people’s employment prospects, with younger people being disproportionately affected. Graduates are now advised to seek work in industries that are thriving, such as food services, health, IT and communication, or at least find ways to carefully match their own goals and aptitudes with what is most in-demand in the country as we emerge fully from lockdown.

It may make more sense to delay looking for a job until you’re in a better position and make good use of initiatives and schemes aimed at getting younger people into jobs they love. On your job search, consider whether apprenticeships, internships and other programs may help you bridge the gap, earning you some experience that will make you more attractive in a competitive marketplace.

There is, fortunately, a lot of good help and support out there for young people looking to better their lives – but there may be a few intermediate steps on the way to reaching your dream job. Being realistic and honest about where you’re starting from allows you to make a practical plan going forward, including drawing on all the available resources you can.

Being unemployed and searching for work in 2021 is undoubtedly a stressful task, but there are opportunities if you’re willing to do your homework and be flexible in how you’re going to take advantage of the avenues open to you.

Charlotte Murphy is a freelance writer focusing on the world of employment. She’s particularly interested in how the pandemic has impacted employment in the UK. When she isn’t writing, Charlotte can be found walking her dog Ringo, enjoying a chai latte, and painting pictures of wildlife. 

Youth Employment UK Platform

The Youth Employment UK Platform is a one-stop shop for Young people (aged 16 – 29) within the West Midlands, and offers a variety of free resources, advice, and guidance for different educational, employment, and training opportunities.There’s also help and advice for CV writing, job hunting, and interview skills, along with resources to help those who may be struggling with their emotional and mental wellbeing.

For those finding it difficult to find employment, there’s a list of Job Centres within the seven metropolitan areas of the West Midlands – they will help Young People from the ages of 16+, including Graduates, to find work or paid training.

And if Young People are looking to add to the CV and bolster it, there are plenty of volunteering opportunities available within the West Midlands!

The Youth Employment UK Platform empowers Young People, giving them the skills, careers support, and tools they need to fulfil their potential.


To find out more about opportunities in your local area, visit the online youth platform here


Launch of the West Midlands Youth Offer and Youth Employment Platform.
L-R Mayor of the West Midlands Andy Street, Helene Dearn, JCP, Cllr Ian Brookfield, leader Wolverhampton MBC and Ganga Bansal.